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Our Mission
This is a nationally recognised qualification, validated by the international validating body, Thinktree Hub. Becoming a B2A Bristol Level 3 Personal Trainer is something that qualifies you for a very worthwhile career. On completion, you will have knowledge and understanding with practical application of anatomy, professional practice, an understanding of the principles of health and fitness and how to provide one-to-one and group fitness-based sessions.
The knowledge required enables you to confidently practise in any commercial, high-performance sport setting or establish your own business.
Our next course starts on Sunday 31st July with just 7 spaces left. Enquire today to get booked on. Claim 15% off for a limited time only.
You can also take advantage of our finance options, paying in instalments for your course. Enquire today to find out more.
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In addition to gaining a Level 3 Personal Training qualification, studying with this programme will deliver and develop essential employability skills that are embedded in our programmes, focused on the world of professional sport. It will enhance your skills with effective communication, information technology, team work and a deepened industry knowledge, passed on from tutors and programme leaders currently working and successful in the field.
Our specialist course is based on sound scientific evidence and over 15 years practical experience working with elite level athletes and institutions. In this course we incorporate our 5 key pillars of human performance, movement, mindset, recovery, fuel and team. To enquire about course dates please fill in the from on your right.
Finance options available, enquire today to get started and qualify within a matter of weeks.